Add to that the ability to quickly clone and modify the topology or platform of a pattern without affecting the consistency of your applications and their configurations and you get the perfect balance of hardening and flexibility. 此外,它还能够快速克隆和修改一个模式的拓扑或平台,而不影响应用程序及其配置的一致性,且您可以实现硬化和灵活性之间的完美平衡。
The single-phase shunt APF is taken as the hardware platform in studying the balance between convergence speed and steady state accuracy of adaptive harmonic current detection algorithm. 针对自适应谐波电流检测方法收敛速度与稳态精度需折中考虑的问题,采用单相并联有源电力滤波器(APF)作为硬件平台。
Especially in situations where the platform is product-driven, it is challenging to create a balance between the stability of the platform and the flexibility to accept change often. 特别在产品驱动开发平台的情况下,要在平台的稳定性与保持变化的灵活性之间取得平衡很具有挑战性。
The yoke balance offers an advantage over the platform balance in that moments read are about the model. 轭式天平比台式天平优越的地方在于测取的力矩是模型本身的。
Conclusion Posturography with inclinometer and platform with global bottom is effective on evaluation of balance function, In particular, the test of standing on the platform with the eyes closed effectively reflects the vestibulospinal reflex. 结论倾角姿态图可以评价平衡功能。特别是闭眼球台检查,能有效反映前庭脊髓反射。
Experimental results show that this platform transmission works well, system stability and load balance have a good performance. 实验结果证明,该网络直播平台传输效果较好,并且其稳定性和负载均衡性均达到设计要求。
The cross platform architecture support of MeeGo, as well as its potential to develop as a Linux-, open source platform, can tip the balance in its favour. 这个由MeeGo支撑的跨平台的架构,正如开源的linux一样具有开发潜力,能够影响对它有利的平衡。
Then design a new four-fulcrum testing platform, in which the special weight sensor is replaced for the conventional balance or electric balance to improve the measurement precision. 然后在重心检测理论分析的基础上研制了新型的四支点重心检测平台,以专用的称重传感器代替传统的磅秤或电子秤,使其测量精度和速度都有了很大提高。
The Implementations of a Stewart Platform Based Force-torque Sensor in Wind Tunnel Balance 基于Stewart平台的六维力传感器在风洞天平中应用
The light platform can balance automatically in the certain range by the technology of gravitation pendulum. 该平台运用重力摆技术使光平台在一定范围内达到了自动安平的功能;
A sort of optical platform of IC balance controllers is introduced. It can take the place of the early controllers composed of discrete kit It has the virtue of high precision control, avoidable adjustment, reliable work and handy maintenance 介绍一种集成化的光学实验台平衡控制器,它可替换早期由分立元件构成的控制器,具有控制精度高、无须调整、工作可靠、维护方便等优点
On the basis of the target of Olympic game oriented traffic information service platform, the paper designs the system architecture, and selects the design plan which gives attention to information loading balance between information center and mobile information terminal device. 在确立面向奥运的交通信息服务平台建设目标的基础上,设计了信息服务平台的体系结构,采用兼顾信息中心与移动信息终端之间信息负载平衡的设计方案。
The political attributes of urban planning includes providing guidance for urban construction, providing institutional platform for urban management, providing directional mechanism for sustainable development of the city, and providing the measure for the balance of distribution of spatial resources. 城市规划能够为城市建设提供方向指引,为城市管理提供制度平台,为城市可持续发展提供制导机制以及为城市空间资源配置提供平衡抓手,是其政策属性的重要体现。
Design InfoSwitch middleware: InfoSwitch middleware provides communication platform for lower information exchange, and on this base, bottom control of middleware provides isochronous business, load balance and control of multiple nodes information exchange for distributable physical data storage. 通过底层InfoSwitch中间件为信息的交换提供通讯平台。在此基础上,通过中间件的底层控制为分布存储的物理数据提供信息交换中数据同步的事务性、负载平衡以及多节点信息交换控制。
Analyzed the driving moment and dragging moment when stabilization platform's spindle controls the bearing's rotation, and presented a solution to the balance of supply and demand for required torque; 进行了稳定平台主轴控制转动时驱动力矩与阻力矩的分析,给出了所需扭矩的供需平衡的解决办法;
Using GIS technology as supported platform, the paper analyzed the balance of groundwater between exploitation and replenishment and development of overfull areas with GIS. 利用GIS技术作为支持平台,把GIS技术应用于地下水采补平衡分析和超采区的演变上,更充分地发挥了GIS技术强大的空间分析功能。
With the adoption of CORBA as the constructing platform for more and more enterprise-level distributed applications and high QoS service for abrupt clients through distributed object set, the research on CORBA based load balance service becomes very important. 随着越来越多的企业级分布式应用采用CORBA作为其构造平台和通过分布式对象集为猝发式客户请求提供高QoS的服务,基于CORBA的负载均衡服务具有重要的研究价值。
Especially the message-oriented middleware, becomes the first choice of the communication model of the platform, for its advantages of credible connection, asynchronism communication mechanism, credible queue, persistent storage, load balance and so on. 尤其是消息中间件,以其可靠连接、异步通信、可靠队列、持久存储、负载平衡等优势,成为交换平台中数据通信的首选。
The possibility to provide personalized product and the possibility to form large-scale production of Product Platform get better balance in the point of the manufacture customization, and the conflict between product personalized requirements and large-scale production is solved. 由于产品平台提供个性化产品的可能性和形成规模性生产的可能性在制造定制处得到了较好的平衡,解决了产品个性化要求与规模生产的矛盾,所以把制造定制作为设计产品平台的目标。
The collaborative management with centralized, high efficient and real-time will be realized by cloud manufacturing service platform. The coordination mechanism need to be formulated to coordinate various relations, balance autonomy, and eliminate conflict. 充分利用云制造服务平台进行集中、高效、实时的协同管理,制订协调各种关系、平衡自治性、消除冲突的协同机制。
Along with the advancement of land consolidation work, the contents of land consolidation has changed, rural land consolidation has rose to be the national level strategic plan, and become the important platform and tong to promote the new rural construction and balance urban and rural development. 随着农村土地整理工作的推进,土地整理内涵发生了变化,农村土地整治上升为国家层面的战略部署,成为保障国家粮食安全、促进新农村建设和城乡统筹发展的重要平台和抓手。
Further develop the rural land rearrangement is good for form the new platform between new rural construction and balance urban and rural development, and an effective method for break the dual structure in urban and rural and promote regional harmonious. 深入开展农村土地整治有利于搭建新农村建设和统筹城乡发展的新平台、探寻破解城乡二元结构矛盾和促进区域和谐的有效方法。
The navy ship, as a movable fighting platform, needs better integrated balance than normal ships. 舰艇作为一个海上的移动作战平台,对其综合平衡很重要。
System can analyze whether the container is over-weight by reading the weight of the container through platform balance to ensure the safe of container spreader. 实现了读取地磅重量,自动判断集装箱是否超重,确保集装箱吊具的安全使用。
In this paper, we take a truck as the platform, studying on the leaf springs through the finite element analysis and mechanical properties performance test; meanwhile, we do the dynamics simulation test to show the performance of the heavy vehicles 'balance suspension. 本文以某载重卡车为平台,对钢板弹簧进行有限元分析与性能试验,同时针对重型载货汽车的平衡悬架进行多体动力学仿真分析。
The sending and receiving module of platform are designed via thread pool and dynamic window flow control technology to implement the balance of up-down messages. 在平台的收发模块的设计上采用了线程池技术和动态窗口流量控制技术,以实现上下行的消息平衡。
The physical experiments 'results show that the designed motion control card can meet the requirement of inverted pendulum physical platform, and this control method can implement the balance control of inverted pendulum, and it has good control performance and strong robustness. 实验结果表明运动控制卡能够满足倒立摆实物平台要求,所设计的基于FDO自适应模糊控制方法较好地完成了倒立摆平衡控制,具有良好的控制性能和很强的鲁棒性。
This thesis discusses some problems of router cluster, such as software platform, traffic model, load balance, and address lookup. 对于集群路由器面临的问题,本文依次从软件平台、负载模型、负载均衡、路由查找等方面展开研究。